Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Troubled World

My hat goes off to all who came before. Our store was one that came out of necessity. We had things we no longer needed, but like most people, we needed money. So, as our little house-cleaning sale went, we found there to be a small market of some of the items we had. Well, as we went and bought more, of coarse we reached the point of becoming noticable. It has been an uphill battle to bump our little on-line store into existance. The battle is far from over. It is so worth the fight when we get emails and messages from our happy customers. On the flip side, we are only human. We make mistakes and we cannot please all of our customers all of the time. My thanks to them for having the understanding. We do offer a money back guarantee, but the customer is out what he/she wanted. I am glad that, for the most part, they come to us to resolve the issue. Ebay, where our store is presently located, has their own set of rules, but it is so much of a better feeling when our customers put their faith in us, as a store, to be there for them.
With all that being said, we are not a warehouse. We, like you, are in a constant battle to find the cheapest prices for items. For the most part, we make little profit off of our sales. We have to find rare items, or price it at a price that will beat most stores. We also have to consider the cost of shipping in that equation.
All things considered, it is a headache, but we are here to stay. We will continue the fight, not only for our sake, but our customer's as well!
To all of our customers - THANK YOU!

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