This is an easy, convenient time-saving, and money saving program. Did I mention it is totally FREE to register?! Let me just say this first before I explain how you can use SavingStar- Could you use extra cash in your paypal, personal checking/savings account, or even an Amazon Gift card? Then go get signed up!
SavingStar is extremely easy to get set up, all you have to do is link your stores loyalty card to your account. Then choose how you would like your money to be returned to you. Yes, it is that simple.
I usually go and sign-in at least once a week, just to check and see if there are any new coupons or deals to add to my loyalty cards. If there is, I simply click "activate" and it is instantly added to my all my loyalty cards that I registered. You can have as few or as many that loyalty cards you want connected to your account, as long as they are compatible with SavingsStar.
There is no easier program that I have come across, it takes only a few seconds to load the cards. I never have to worry about forgetting coupons at home. And yes, you can still use coupons at the store for the same items. SavingStar takes the savings that you "activated" and puts them into your SavingStar account. I encourage you to use both the printed coupons at the store, and be confident in knowing that you have saved even more by using your loyalty card.
For example: I have used a Pillsbury coupon that I clipped from the Sunday paper. By using my stores loyalty card I also got the sale price that my store had for card holders. BUT I also got the amount that had been "activated" in my SavingsStar account. How great is that!
What I really like are the 3-5 special deals at the top of the SavingsStar website. These are deals like "Buy $20 in International Delight & Get $5.00 Back". I activate each of these offers, whether I buy the product or not, the same with all the coupons. You never know when you might come across a bottom line sale and could end up with a great deal, when all is said and done.
Here is another example of how I made $5.00 for doing the deal pictured below: This was back in October of 2012. My store had a sale for Ragu, it was a BOGO. The price for each jar was $2.37, so for $2.37 I got 2 jars of Ragu.
Well, I knew I had just loaded the deal below on my card. Yep, I bought $20 worth of Spaghetti Sauce- I do have 10 people to feed at every meal, so it isn't like I was going to be drowning in pasta sauce for a long time. I bought 10 jars {that is the OCD in me-it had to be an even amount}, then got 10 jars free.
It cost me a bit over $20, but I did get 20 jars. Then if you had the $5.00 I got back, it comes to around $15 for 20 jars. BUT I also had clipped coupons from the paper to. I don't remember exactly what they had for savings but lets say around 55 Cents/2.
Can you see the potential here?
Now, here is the coupons that were deposited into my SavingsStar account: {This to is from Oct of 2012-sorry but I these are the photos that I have on hand from an earlier post}
You an see the coupons that were applied, after the other $5.00 I collected in this trip. What was nice about the Brisk deal was that my store had them on sale for 3/$9.99 if I used my card. And then I got $5.00 back from SavingsStar.
The only drawback is that there are only a limited number of "activations" available. So, when enough people have taken the offer it is gone. What is worse you see what you have missed out on. I remember a great saving coupon I could have loaded on a product I buy all the time. This product was also going on sale at my grocery store-but because I waited to check on the SavingStar website for newly released coupons, I missed out. That is when I decided to make sure I check weekly!
I suppose by now you are thinking there has to be a catch somewhere, well there isn't! You can cash out at $5.00!
I absolutely LOVE SavingStar, it has put a large chunk of our grocery money right back in our pockets. Again, if you haven't signed up- do so! And if you already are-make sure you are checking in and loading your cards!
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