A while back I shared a fun kit for little ones to receive in the mail. This is now out of stock {for the moment}, but still available for download!
I am very impressed at the package we got. "The toolkit Includes fun, colorful, interactive materials for parents and caregivers to use with their children. Helps children make decisions, gain confidence, and improve self-esteem."
Pictured above is the alphabet coloring book.
Yes, I was the one that began coloring in the book. The kids had thought I had lost my mind, sitting there with a Folger's Coffee Can digging to find just the right colors. Actually, it was a lot of fun and relaxing. The kids joined in after I finished my page.
The workbook is simple for the younger ones, but still had some great teaching ideas in it for the older. I think they will have a blast doing the Activity Book tomorrow.
"Activity Book is a great source of learning and exploration for children! They'll discover how fun physical activity can be, learn to make good decisions, and explore their emotions-with the guidance of the Friends!"
This is one of my favorite additions in this kit. It came with a bunch of tear-out cards. They have the colorful pictures on the front for us to make up our own discussions, or you can use the ones that already have conversation starters. For example one card has the question "Why do you like each of your friends?"
On the back of some of the cards are even more questions and things you can do together.
The kit also comes with an extensive Family Guide which is full of activities and ideas that can help build children's self esteem. The third book is an Activity Book that has fill-in-the-blanks, puzzles, and more for kids to do.
"The Building Blocks Family Guide" contains ideas for fun activities and discussion starters for you and your children, as well as advice and guidance on topics such as active listening, rule making, and being a good role model. It also can be used to guide you through the rest of the Building Blocks materials with your children."
Michael, who is now 2, really enjoyed saying the letters and pointing out all the cute characters before we colored them.
The workbook is simple for the younger ones, but still had some great teaching ideas in it for the older. I think they will have a blast doing the Activity Book tomorrow.
"Activity Book is a great source of learning and exploration for children! They'll discover how fun physical activity can be, learn to make good decisions, and explore their emotions-with the guidance of the Friends!"
This is one of my favorite additions in this kit. It came with a bunch of tear-out cards. They have the colorful pictures on the front for us to make up our own discussions, or you can use the ones that already have conversation starters. For example one card has the question "Why do you like each of your friends?"
On the back of some of the cards are even more questions and things you can do together.
The only thing missing from the picture is the Song CD that comes with this fantastic kit. We haven't listened to it yet, but the song titles are:
Wally Bear & His Friends Intro
Smile At Your Neighbor
Power Positive
I Feel Many Different Ways
Healthy Snacks
and a few more
Do you have a link for the download? I can't seem to find one in your post...thanks! :)